Phantom of the opera costume cartoon
Phantom of the opera costume cartoon

phantom of the opera costume cartoon

One can only imagine how many hours Holmoe spent in the chair of makeup artist Jennine Hollingshaus for this great costume. It’s just hard to find a spot in the top three. The simplicity is top-notch, but then he removes the mask, and it’s a work of art. 🎵 The Phantom of the Opera ( is here!🎵 #BYUHalloween can officially begin. In the words of Lincoln himself, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Holmoe was a good “Honest Abe.” 4.

phantom of the opera costume cartoon

Clean look and a great tribute to an American icon. This was the costume that started linking Holmoe as Mr. "In the end it's not the years in your life that count. But I can respect a good Halloween costume when I see one. I don’t claim to be the biggest Harry Potter fan in the world. Tom Riddle or Tom Holmoe? #BYUHalloween /ALtJz7kNGo But one of these costumes had to take the last spot.

phantom of the opera costume cartoon

Ladies and Gentlemen, may we present to you aka, Albert Einstein. Without a picture, it has to go into the honorable mention category. We don’t have photo evidence of the Bieber costume, but hopefully, it’s one day unearthed from the Holmoe archives. According to BYU’s Daily Universe in 2014, Holmoe dressed as Frankenstein and pop sensation Justin Bieber before #BYUHalloween became a thing.

Phantom of the opera costume cartoon